

Raw Material Supplier Validation
Raw material controls is fully vital for our quality control systems and the complete control of our supply chain which assures our customers sustainable supplies of the highest quality.

In our supplier auditing system, we choose qualified suppliers, which is, only suppliers who can achieve the following items could have a chance to be our supplier:

  • Raw Material Tracing Records
  • Qualification / Certification
  •  Reliable Storage & Transportation

Production Trace-ability
RD Health Ingredients Co., Ltd owns and maintains significant cultivation projects throughout China to control adequate supplies and proper agricultural base resulting in the best possible extraction yields. Our products have trace-ability from the field to the finish product.

Quality Control
Plant extracts must be standardized with strict quality controls to ensure consistent composition, safety, and potency. All the plant extracts manufactured by RD Health Ingredients undergo a very comprehensive series of tests for identity, purity and potency using international standards or in-house methods.

Our certificate of analysis includes standard results for marker compounds, heavy metals, pesticides, solvent residues, microbe as well as mesh distribution and bulk density. Additional testing can be 
done on customer’s request.Well- trained staff is dedicated to assure that all our products meet these standards before they are released for sale.

We could arrange the following tests to assure the quality of our products by the third party:

  • Species Identification (TLC, IR, HPLC)
  •  Pesticide Residue Analysis (GC -C MS, HPLC, LC -C MS)
  •  Heavy Metal Analysis (ICP -C MS)
  •  ID Components Control ( HPLC, GC -C MS, LC -C MS, UV -CVIS)