Chan Shan Extract Plant Description
For roughly 2,000 years, Chinese herbalists have treated malaria using Dichroa febrifuga root extract, commonly known as chang shan, from a type of blue evergreen hydrangea that grows in Tibet. More recent studies suggest that halofuginone, a compound derived from this extract’s bioactive ingredient, could be used to treat many other autoimmune disorders as well. Western medicine first noted the healing potential of the plant’s root extract, Chang Shan, in the late 1940s, when the active ingredient was identified in medical journals and put to use suppressing parasitic growth in animal feed. And now, researchers from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine have discovered the molecular secrets behind this herbal extract’s power.
- Anticoccidial
- Antiprotozoal Agents
- Anti-malarial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Facts: Previously medical researchers had identified Halofuginone as a possible treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis and Scleroderma.
- Facts: Researchers have discovered that in the body, one common precursor T cell can give rise to both tissue-protective T regulatory, or Treg, cells and the inflammatory T cell type known as T helper 17. These inflammatory Th17 cells play a prominent role in many autoimmune-related disorders, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Psoriasis.
- BOTANICAL ORIGIN Dichroa febrifuga root (Radix)
- BIOACTIVES Halofuginone 1% ~5% or 10:1/ 20:1 DER Concentration
- CULTIVATED OR WILD Wild-crafted in Tibet and Xinjiang
- APPEARANCE Yellow brown fine powder
- SAFETY & QUALITY GMO free, BSE/TSE free, allergen free
- SHELF LIFE 3 years
- TASTE Astringent
- SOLUBILITY 1%-5% : Practically insoluble , 10:1/ 20:1 Concentration slight soluble
- Takaya Y, Tasaka H, Chiba T, et al. New type of febrifugine analogues, bearing a quinolizidine moiety, show potent antimalarial activity against plasmodium malaria parasite. J Med Chem August 12, 1999;42(16):3163-6.
- Kikuchi H, Tasaka H, Hirai S, et al. Potent antimalarial febrifugine analogues against the plasmodium malaria parasite. J Med Chem June 6, 2002;45(12):2563-70.
- Choi BT, Lee JH, Ko WS, et al. Anti-inflammatory effects of aqueous extract from dichroa febrifuga root in rat liver. Acta Pharmacol Sin February 2003;24(2):127-32.
- Hirai S, Kikuchi H, Kim HS, et al. Metabolites of febrifugine and its synthetic analogue by mouse liver S9 and their antimalarial activity against plasmodium malaria parasite. J Med Chem September 25, 2003;46(20):4351-9.